Conclusions I have come to after many years of contemplation:
Fundamental Principle #1: Law of Infinite Hypergamy. The higher the percentage of women in power, the more porous a nation’s borders will be, in order to expand women’s potential mating pool of high status males to an infinite asymptote. Corollary to Law of Infinite Hypergamy: vanishing borders are the clearest sign that one lives in a wholly dominant matriarchy.
Fundamental Principle #2: Law of Inverse Value. The more popular something is, the less it is worth. The Electoral Corollary to the Law of Inverse Value: popular elections will always end up promoting the mediocre, the incompetent, or the undistinguished—and usually all three. Second Corollary to Law of Inverse Value: Dunning Kruger Effect: the less a person knows, the more certain he is that he knows it. Third Corollary to Law of Inverse Value: the less a group of people know, the bigger and louder and more disruptive to society their public protest will be.
Fundamental Principle #3: Law of Derived Elections. if you control a nation’s media, you control its elections, therefore where a nation’s information media are privately owned, its election results will be determined by its media. “Our Democracy” Corollary to Law of Derived Elections: Saving “Our Democracy”, or preserving any other entrenched regime protected by no term limits, requires firm control over the media and suppression of all media which does not conform.
Fundamental Principle #4: Law of Heretical Speech: Under a state religion, all speech that does not glorify the Deity n praise its Priesthood is by definition heretical speech. Electoral Corollary to Law of Heretical Speech: Since elections are a form of speech, popular elections are also by definition heresy under an entrenched state religion and must be either banned beforehand, or falsified if they occur, or the results reversed by “legal” means if they turn out to be inconvenient to the Priesthood.
Fundamental Principle #5: Law of Trivialities. Regarding anything one writes, most people, who of necessity are of only average IQ, will ignore the important points n focus on criticizing any trivialities they can detect. The Media Corollary to the Law of Trivialities: All media will invariably report from a public statement only what is trivial while ignoring or misrepresenting the statement’s essential points.
i believe these principles are incontrovertible. No evidence has yet appeared that could challenge them.